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03/20/2008 - Blue Birds Refuse to Fly

Blue Birds Refuse to Fly

How did the band change with the new front woman, Eva K?

Eva gave the new songs and the band the sensuality of her vocals and appearance. Her voice tone fitted the new songs perfectly and drove the new CD towards the pop direction we wanted it to go. She also offered the lyrics for the new songs plus many ideas on the voice lines and the arrangements. So, this new CD is very much of a team effort indeed.

What's it like to meet an Alien Angel?

It can be an apocalyptic experience! It's like watching yourself and your life through the eyes of a stranger! If an alien has eyes of-course!

Is Xeno something like Strange? And Morph something like Form?

Xeno comes from the greek word "xenos" which means "stranger". And yes, morph comes from the greek word "morphi" which means form. "Xenomorph Angel" should be the ancient greek term for "alien angel".

Who writes the lyrics?

In this new CD, Eva K writes the lyrics for all the songs except for "Oxygen" which is written by George P.

What modern artists inspire you?

We are inspired by all modern music, mainstream and underground. Eva is more towards the German ebp scene, Kyriakos and George are also into guitar pop bands (they used to play in one some years ago!). We generally are fans of good music wherever it may come from.

What classic artists inspire you?

Everything from Sinatra and Nat King Cole and the forties big bands to The Beatles and the Stones to early 70s art rock (King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Genesis etc) and kraut rock (Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream) to late 70s punk rock and new wave (The Clash, Television, Joy Division etc) to 80's guitar pop and gothic bands (U2, The Smiths, The Mission, Sisters Of Mercy, The Cure, The Church, Bauhaus etc.) to jazz and just about everything in between!

Who are your favorite DJs?

Dimitris Papaspyropoulos, Leonidas Skiadas, George Fakinos here in Greece. We don't know much about the dj scene in general...

Your music seems optimistic. If that is true, why are you optimistic?

We like to call our music bittersweet. It balances between uptempo and downtempo, dark and bright colors, energy and depression.

Ever read any Plato?

Yes we have! Though we don't necessarily agree with all the aspects of his philosophy!

Who is your favorite Greek poet?

Ritsos, Kariotakis, Kavafis - can't choose only one!

Xenomorph AngelWhat is the mission of Xenomorph Angel?

To reach the ears of as many listeners as possible and awaken their emotions. Xenomorph Angel is dance music you can listen to or music to listen to that can be danced. It's pop!

Decadance is a cool label. How did you connect with them?

A friend dj, Leonidas Skiadas, who knew them suggested that we send them a CD with the rough mixes of "Anapteroma" when we were searching for a label in Europe. So we did and they responded was love at first sight!!

Do you have any advice for artists that would like to produce and write as well as you?

Thank you for your kindness but we think we still have a long way to go! These are the rules we follow: throw away 10 songs for every good one! Listen to as much and different music as possible! Have an open mind! A good chorus is not an easy thing - you have to try hard to get the best melody out of these chords! Try to make your music sound unique even if the sound is not perfect - try to have your sound! Don't be generic in your melodies and words!

Why would Bluebirds Refuse To Fly?

Because sometimes they are too sad (blue) to fly...So, they have to lay in their nests and find the strength they need to fly again. Music is a good medicine for a situation like this!

Thank you so much for your kind words, Dan!

Eva K. - Kyriakos P. - George P.

-Dan Morgan