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Artist The Cruxshadows
Album Dreamcypher
Record Label Dancing Ferret Discs
Year 2007

Previous CXS albums have had some amazing tracks followed by almost filler material. Dreamcypher is flawless from start to finish. Every song has a slightly different tempo, a slightly different mood and is executed perfectly.

This album starts off with one of the catchiest intros I have heard in "Pygmalion's Dream". The rest of the album wavers from intense to poetic but remains passionate. The best track off of Dreamcypher is the one you are listening to. Dreamcypher is too good for words and a description of this album without hearing it is impossible. You have to hear how good it is.

Every track stands out. From the lead male vocals to the backing female vocals, from the intense guitars in the background to the violin in the foreground playing together, Dreamcypher is head and shoulders above any other album this year.


Rating 10 out of 10

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