This is Corrosion Nilaihah Records

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Artist Destroid
Album Loudspeaker
Record Label COP International
Year 2007

Loudspeaker is the follow-up to Destroid's 2004 debut, Future Prophecies. For those not familiar with the many projects of Daniel Myer (Haujobb, Architect, H_M_B, etc.), add this to the lengthy list. The album, similar to the debut, is filled with Myer's slightly distorted vocals, mid-tempo synths that are aggressive and catchy, and samples that are a better length this time round (the samples on Future Prophecies were a bit too long at times).

The first song, "Let Me Leave" is a top-notch track - complex, rich textures with a touch of melancholy. The flippant sample at the end of the song is a nice twist. "Friend or Foe (The Betrayal)" has a deep, pounding bass line, certain to awaken the listener; the integration of the synths as the song progresses is very nice. Midway through the album, "Bittersweet Fate" throws the brakes on the tempo with its acoustic sound and emotive vocals; it's great to see a band that has a good range. "Mourn", the last track, starts out slow, but builds nicely, not letting the album fade out quickly .

Overall, Loudspeaker is a great album from start to finish. Fans of Destroid's first album, and/or fans of Myer's many projects, will not be disappointed.


Rating 8 out of 10

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