This is Corrosion Sister Machine Gun

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Artist Combichrist
Album What the F**k is Wrong With You People?
Record Label Metropolis Records
Year 2007

Most albums that come with the "play at maximum volume" instruction are dismissed - this is not one of them. Played low, the album sounds very mediocre; if you crank it, what a difference! You can tell how high energy they really are.

The album starts off with "5am [after party]", a recording off of a voice mail, Lucia Ciffarelli from KMFDM providing the voice work. The next track, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" is a great anthem to start this disc with. As this album progresses, there are more mediocre songs though. Combichrist is best loud, fast, and hard. When they stray from this, they sound like an element is missing. Some of the slower songs are similar to Marilyn Manson without the guitars. They also sound disjointed and a little forced, but right before you can dismiss the album as a whole, a track like "Get Your Body Beat" or "Give Head if You Got it" gets your adrenaline pumping.

The three standout tracks are "Electro Head", "Get Your Body Beat", and "Shut Up and Swallow". Sure the lyrics are pretty basic and nonsensical at times, but these songs make you forget about all that. They are perfect to dance, fight and fuck to.

Combichrist has started their own genre TBM- Techno Body Music. However, like techno in general, the music needs to be played as loud as possible, but performed as fast as possible. Andy LaPlegua should save his slower stuff for his other projects, Panzer AG and Icon of Coil.


Rating 7 out of 10

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