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Artist Concept 7
Album The Undeniable Constant
Artwork by Vade
Year 2006

The Undeniable Constant is the second full-length release from the UK band Concept 7. The album has a raw, somewhat minimal industrial sound, with good use of samples and mostly spoken, though varied, vocals.

The album starts off right away with the great track, "Functional Concrete". While not big on the lyrical side of things, it has a methodical, industrial sound that is appealing. The vocals have a rough quality that compliments the music nicely.

"Subversion" slows down the tempo, using samples in perfect unison with the background electronics and guitar work. "Damping Factor" maintains the slow, methodical tempo, but adds more gritty, crunchy guitar and vocals with varying effects. This song reminds me a lot of the band Godflesh, though not nearly as harsh.

"Corporation Tank" and "Seven States of Panic" continue in the same vein as previously detailed, followed by "Art of War", which adds a vocal layer of spoken word, with background vocals complementing it. The album finishes with "Escapement", an instrumental piece which brings up visions of a prisoner walking down a long hallway through a series of locked doors, each one unlocking one after the next - is the prisoner entering or leaving, you decide.

Overall, "The Undeniable Constant" is a good album that would appeal to people who enjoy more minimal old-school industrial mixed with gritty guitar, good samples and spoken vocals. For a sample of Concept 7's work, check out their videos for "Away" and "The Device" in our video section.


Rating 7 out of 10

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